Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Modernism and Post Modernism

During one of the most challenging times that America faced as a nation. The world was evolving. As the country engaged in economic change and political turmoil the world of art was moving as fast as the world. Modernism was approaching as the world grew bigger and bigger from expansionism . The idea of living and moving fast and being “in the time” Modernism was being displayed on a day to day basis. For women artist this time allotted for a new found sense of independence and freedom.  While women were engaging in art in style like never before. Chadwick explains this further by saying “The emergence of a self-conscious set of practices and characteristics through which the modern in art is understood developed gradually and coincided with the appearance of the first generation of women artists with more or less equal access to artistic training” 279. Numerous formats of art where being engaged in by women artist at the time. Women artist were engaging in crafts,abstracts and fashion. Modernism allowed for a sense of creation that defied the standard form of art. Artist like Wassily Kandinsky engaged in the craft form of art. The decorative style allowed for the connection of life through art. Kandinsky emphasized the importance of understanding the spirituality connected with art. Kandinsky Influenced artist companys like Wiener Werkstatte. Werkstatte artist were  a part of a collaborative embroidery piece with famous embroider Margaretha Von Brauchitsch.
Here is Margarethe Von Brauchitsch, Tafeltuch, 1910

The embroidering on the border of the quilt is neat and precise. The design is unique in itself. While this is a prime example of the craft that was starting to rise in the modernism time. Where craft was utilized in connection to life.

Here is work by one of the Wiener Werkstatte Maria Likarz-Strauss: Draft for the Fabric “Montag&#148.Work such as this one show you how abstract art was being created at the time. Utilization of shapes and shading was a major aspect of the abstract style. This link leads to the Archives of the Wiener Werkstatte Company

Embroidery helped capture the fashion revolution that was taking place. Women were using their clothes as a way of expressing themselves. The abstractions and textiles formed into dresses. The abstracts and texftiles helped to create the physical apperance of the dresses. But the social explanation can be found in an assortment of media that was utilized to promote the image of the “new woman”. The New Woman was modern and had short and sleek hair. The promotion of this short hair allowed women to take control of the image of purity that was associated with longer hair.
In this Novel by victor marguerites monique lerbier La Garconne the image of the new woman was told in a passionate tale of a woman who is allowed to express herself. The character Monique wore her clothing short and played sports and had a job that she enjoyed and was different for a woman to work. Over a million copies of the novel were sold and it was translated to multiple languages. Showing the influence that this novel had in the creation of the new woman.

These dresses were lively and unique to fashion at the time. Presenting a high class lifestyle. This image only drove the consumer logic and false narrative of womanhood. Depicting a glamours and fashion driven woman who makes a statement with her clothes. Images such as this did not speak to the actual experience of the working woman. The new woman that was arising during wartime was a woman who had to get her hands dirty. As economic shifts accord American households were dependent on women workers like never before.

After World War II art began to change along with the world. Modernism is a thing of the past. As Postmodernism begins to develop artist are moving away from traditional art. Focusing on different art forms such as digital media,billboards,murals,photography and street art. Art is now making a connection to the lives of those it is attempting to reach.  The female body was starting to used as actual art. An embodiment of one's work became a popular form of artistic expression. As the female body was utilized as a piece of art it also was used to promote political agendas in regards to feminism. Women artist were begginngg to break the silence on the gender roles the world had expected women to ascribe to.

Barbara kruger  is a primary artist of the time. Using a unique form called culture jamming. She takes everyday images and speaks a political truth about the image at hand.

Cindy sherman 1988 Untitled #184
Shermans work is untitled and left without a name speaking volumes to her resistance to be named or categorized. As postmodernist artist show that the new woman doesn't exist.

Works Cited Chadwick, Whitney. Women, Art, and Society. Thames & Hudson, 2007. Guerrilla Girls, The Guerrilla Girls’ Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art. New York, NY: Penguin Group, 1998.

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