Saturday, January 20, 2018

Critical Art Expression by Gayathri Yadlapalli

Barbara Kruger, the artist of the picture above, was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey, and later went to Syracuse Univesity, and Parson's school of design in New York for her higher education. According to Kruger's website, her artwork deals with feminism, classicism, consumerism, and individual autonomy and desire. Her work involves collages of black and white pictures, with bold statements in red and white colors, such as the one above.

The above picture, called "Your Body is a Battle Ground" was made during the women's march in Washington D.C in 1989 for women's reproductive rights. According to Kruger, the two halves of the picture represents, positive and the negative.

Kruger's work has been published in many mainstream magazines and has appeared on billboards, posters, public transportation vehicles, etc. The following is another one of her most notable works.

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