Wednesday, January 24, 2018

'Old Testament' by Chiamonwu Joy

'Faded' second part (9th stage) of Chiamonwu Joy Old Testament series

'Old Testament' series explained posted by Chiamonwu on her instagram  10/25/17
Chiamonwu Joy is a upcoming hyper-realistic Nigerian artist. I found her on my twitter feed and was immediately attracted by what I saw. As surprised as anyone else who does not know much about art I felt stunned running into the pictures. This type of art is called hyperrealism, and as mentioned in an article that she proudly posted the link to on her instagram profile bio, it is a "dominated male-field". After taking a look at her twitter and instagram I realized that she does not have many post and so far about 26 thousand followers however thanks to twitter (which she joined may 2017 VERY RECENT) and other social media she is now being noticed and with no doubt she will flourish. Her art represents her own Igbo culture which is beautiful because she can transform her culture into art for viewers like me, that have no knowledge of it, to be appreciated. Im really glad I found her because I feel like she tackles social, political, and cultural issues. To begin with, it is a bit sad for me to immediately know that as women Chiamonwu will have to put in twice the work than a man would to get noticed simply because she is a woman coming into a male dominated field. Another obstacle she faces is the oppression of her skin color, sadly racism is still alive and not only in the United States. & im especially grateful to find her at a perfect time where the president of such a powerful country claimed African countries to be 'shitholes' and immigrants 'not fine people', yet Chiamonwu is a beautiful young talented women that is able to represent her culture in her art. Indeed, she is VERY FINE.

Chiamonwu has most of her pictures on instragram (85 post to be exact) and the second one taking about her series she captioned 'feel free to give your own interpretation' which to me it means a lot for a creative mind like mine. The pictures she chose to draw for this series not doubt represent her beautiful culture, yet with these images I can do so much. Like think .. was the girl crying? was she hiding? reminiscing happy or sad thoughts?

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