Sunday, January 21, 2018

Critical Artist Expression by Leslie Fontanez

Emma Sulkowicz

The artist I chose for this piece is named Emma Sulkowicz. She was a student at Columbia University majoring in visual arts. The piece that I found interesting and controversial was her "Mattress Performance (Carry that Weight)." In the picture above, you see Emma is carrying a mattress (which online said it was 50 pounds), she did so because her accusations were she was raped at Columbia University in 2012. She carried the mattress to symbolize the weight that rape victims must carry around with them everyday after their attacks. It became a controversial piece because no charges were brought against Paul Nungesser. It became he said/she said issue. When charges were not brought Sulkowicz started to carry the mattress which she made her senior thesis. In one of the other photos you see others who are helping her carry the mattress, these people are strangers who decided to help her carry the burden. I chose this piece because I feel it brings out information about rape culture and how much those who have been assaulted must deal with after it all. She brought out the conversation on how victims will forever be a little more weighed down by what happened. Many do not understand situations unless they themselves have been through it or have been exposed to it. Regardless if her accusations were true or not I believe her controversial piece was very important for others to see.

By: Leslie M. Fontanez

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